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This module contains the class FaissSearch that can be used to perform k-nearest neighbor search using the Faiss library.


Class to perform k-nearest neighbor search using the Faiss library.


  • k_nearest_neighbors

    Perform k-nearest neighbor search using Faiss.

Source code in hadal/
class FaissSearch:
    """Class to perform k-nearest neighbor search using the Faiss library.

        k_nearest_neighbors: Perform k-nearest neighbor search using Faiss.

    def __init__(self, device: str | None = None, *, enable_logging: bool = True, log_level: int | None = logging.INFO) -> None:
        """Initialize FaissSearch object.

            device (str | None, optional): Device for the Faiss search. If `None`, it will use GPU if available, otherwise CPU. Default is `None`.
            enable_logging (bool, optional): Logging option.
            log_level (int | None, optional): Logging level.
        if enable_logging is True:
            self.logger = default_custom_logger(name=__name__, level=log_level)
            self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            self.logger.disabled = True

        if device is None:
            device = "cuda" if faiss.get_num_gpus() > 0 else "cpu"
  "Faiss device: %s", device)

        self._target_device = device

    def k_nearest_neighbors(
        source_embeddings: numpy.ndarray,
        target_embeddings: numpy.ndarray,
        k: int = 4,
        knn_metric: str = "inner_product",
        device: str | None = None,
    ) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
        """Perform k-nearest neighbor search using Faiss.

            source_embeddings (numpy.ndarray): The source embeddings.
            target_embeddings (numpy.ndarray): The target embeddings.
            k (int, optional): The number of nearest neighbors.
            knn_metric (str, optional): The metric to use for k-nearest neighbor search. Can be `inner_product` or `sqeuclidean`.
            device (str | None, optional): The device to use for Faiss search. If `None`, it will use GPU if available, otherwise CPU.

            It is fully relying on the Faiss library for the k-nearest neighbor search `faiss.knn` and `faiss.gpu_knn`.

            - `inner_product` uses `faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT`
            - `sqeuclidean` uses `faiss.METRIC_L2` (squared Euclidean distance)

            - d (numpy.ndarray): The distances of the k-nearest neighbors.
            - ind (numpy.ndarray): The indices of the k-nearest neighbors.
        if device is None:
            device = self._target_device"Perform k-nearest neighbor search...")

        if knn_metric == "inner_product":
            knn_metric = faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT
        elif knn_metric == "sqeuclidean":
            # squared Euclidean (L2) distance
            knn_metric = faiss.METRIC_L2

        if device == "cpu":
  "Using faiss knn on CPU...")
            d, ind = faiss.knn(xq=source_embeddings, xb=target_embeddings, k=k, metric=knn_metric)
  "Using faiss knn on GPU...")
            res = faiss.StandardGpuResources()
            d, ind = faiss.gpu_knn(res=res, xq=source_embeddings, xb=target_embeddings, k=k, metric_type=knn_metric)"Done k-nearest neighbor search!")
        return d, ind
    device: str | None = None,
    enable_logging: bool = True,
    log_level: int | None = logging.INFO
) -> None

Initialize FaissSearch object.


  • device (str | None, default: None ) –

    Device for the Faiss search. If None, it will use GPU if available, otherwise CPU. Default is None.

  • enable_logging (bool, default: True ) –

    Logging option.

  • log_level (int | None, default: logging.INFO ) –

    Logging level.

Source code in hadal/
def __init__(self, device: str | None = None, *, enable_logging: bool = True, log_level: int | None = logging.INFO) -> None:
    """Initialize FaissSearch object.

        device (str | None, optional): Device for the Faiss search. If `None`, it will use GPU if available, otherwise CPU. Default is `None`.
        enable_logging (bool, optional): Logging option.
        log_level (int | None, optional): Logging level.
    if enable_logging is True:
        self.logger = default_custom_logger(name=__name__, level=log_level)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.logger.disabled = True

    if device is None:
        device = "cuda" if faiss.get_num_gpus() > 0 else "cpu""Faiss device: %s", device)

    self._target_device = device
    source_embeddings: numpy.ndarray,
    target_embeddings: numpy.ndarray,
    k: int = 4,
    knn_metric: str = "inner_product",
    device: str | None = None,
) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Perform k-nearest neighbor search using Faiss.


  • source_embeddings (numpy.ndarray) –

    The source embeddings.

  • target_embeddings (numpy.ndarray) –

    The target embeddings.

  • k (int, default: 4 ) –

    The number of nearest neighbors.

  • knn_metric (str, default: 'inner_product' ) –

    The metric to use for k-nearest neighbor search. Can be inner_product or sqeuclidean.

  • device (str | None, default: None ) –

    The device to use for Faiss search. If None, it will use GPU if available, otherwise CPU.


It is fully relying on the Faiss library for the k-nearest neighbor search faiss.knn and faiss.gpu_knn.

  • inner_product uses faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT
  • sqeuclidean uses faiss.METRIC_L2 (squared Euclidean distance)


  • numpy.ndarray
    • d (numpy.ndarray): The distances of the k-nearest neighbors.
  • numpy.ndarray
    • ind (numpy.ndarray): The indices of the k-nearest neighbors.
Source code in hadal/
def k_nearest_neighbors(
    source_embeddings: numpy.ndarray,
    target_embeddings: numpy.ndarray,
    k: int = 4,
    knn_metric: str = "inner_product",
    device: str | None = None,
) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
    """Perform k-nearest neighbor search using Faiss.

        source_embeddings (numpy.ndarray): The source embeddings.
        target_embeddings (numpy.ndarray): The target embeddings.
        k (int, optional): The number of nearest neighbors.
        knn_metric (str, optional): The metric to use for k-nearest neighbor search. Can be `inner_product` or `sqeuclidean`.
        device (str | None, optional): The device to use for Faiss search. If `None`, it will use GPU if available, otherwise CPU.

        It is fully relying on the Faiss library for the k-nearest neighbor search `faiss.knn` and `faiss.gpu_knn`.

        - `inner_product` uses `faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT`
        - `sqeuclidean` uses `faiss.METRIC_L2` (squared Euclidean distance)

        - d (numpy.ndarray): The distances of the k-nearest neighbors.
        - ind (numpy.ndarray): The indices of the k-nearest neighbors.
    if device is None:
        device = self._target_device"Perform k-nearest neighbor search...")

    if knn_metric == "inner_product":
        knn_metric = faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT
    elif knn_metric == "sqeuclidean":
        # squared Euclidean (L2) distance
        knn_metric = faiss.METRIC_L2

    if device == "cpu":"Using faiss knn on CPU...")
        d, ind = faiss.knn(xq=source_embeddings, xb=target_embeddings, k=k, metric=knn_metric)
    else:"Using faiss knn on GPU...")
        res = faiss.StandardGpuResources()
        d, ind = faiss.gpu_knn(res=res, xq=source_embeddings, xb=target_embeddings, k=k, metric_type=knn_metric)"Done k-nearest neighbor search!")
    return d, ind