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This module contains the class HuggingfaceAutoModel that can be used to encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.


Class to encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.


  • encode

    Encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.

Source code in hadal/
class HuggingfaceAutoModel:
    """Class to encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.

        encode: Encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.

    def __init__(
        model_name_or_path: str | pathlib.Path,
        device: str | None = None,
        enable_logging: bool = True,
        log_level: int | None = logging.INFO,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize HuggingfaceAutoModel object.

            model_name_or_path (str | pathlib.Path): Name or path to the pre-trained model.
            device (str | None, optional): Device for the model.
            enable_logging (bool, optional): Logging option.
            log_level (int | None, optional): Logging level.
        if enable_logging is True:
            self.logger = default_custom_logger(name=__name__, level=log_level)
            self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            self.logger.disabled = True

        if device is None:
            device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
  "Pytorch device: %s", device)

        self._target_device = torch.device(device)

        self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name_or_path)
        self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name_or_path)
        self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name_or_path)

        if model_name_or_path is not None and model_name_or_path != "":
  "Load huggingface model: %s", model_name_or_path)

    def encode(
        sentences: str | list[str],
        batch_size: int = 32,
        output_value: str = "pooler_output",
        convert_to: str | None = None,
        normalize_embeddings: bool = False,
        device: str | None = None,
    ) -> list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray:
        """Encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.

            sentences (str | list[str]): The sentences to encode.
            batch_size (int, optional): The batch size.
            output_value (str, optional): Model output type. Can be `pooler_output` or `last_hidden_state`.
            convert_to (str | None, optional): Convert the embeddings to `torch` or `numpy` format. If `torch`, it will return a `torch.Tensor`. If `numpy`, it will return a `numpy.ndarray`. If `None`, it will return a `list[torch.Tensor]`.
            normalize_embeddings (bool, optional): Normalize the embeddings.
            device (str | None, optional): Device for the model.

            NotImplementedError: If the `output_value` is not implemented.

            all_embeddings (list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The embeddings of the sentences.
        if device is None:
            device = self._target_device"Encoding on pytorch device: %s", device)

        if isinstance(sentences, str):
            sentences = [sentences]

        all_embeddings = []
        length_sorted_idx = numpy.argsort([-self._text_length(sen) for sen in sentences])
        sentences_sorted = [sentences[idx] for idx in length_sorted_idx]

        for start_index in trange(0, len(sentences), batch_size, desc="Batches"):
            sentences_batch = sentences_sorted[start_index : start_index + batch_size]
            inputs = self.tokenizer(sentences_batch, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True)
            inputs = batch_to_device(batch=inputs, target_device=device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                outputs = self.model(**inputs)

                if output_value == "pooler_output":
                    embeddings = outputs.pooler_output
                elif output_value == "last_hidden_state":
                    embeddings = outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :]
                    msg = f"output_value=`{output_value}` not implemented"
                    raise NotImplementedError(msg)

                if normalize_embeddings is True:
                    # apply L2 normalization to the embeddings
                    embeddings = torch.nn.functional.normalize(embeddings, p=2, dim=1)


        all_embeddings: list[torch.Tensor] = [all_embeddings[idx] for idx in numpy.argsort(length_sorted_idx)]

        if convert_to == "torch":
            all_embeddings: torch.Tensor = torch.stack(all_embeddings)
        elif convert_to == "numpy":
            all_embeddings: numpy.ndarray = torch.stack(all_embeddings).numpy()

        return all_embeddings

    def _text_length(self, text: list[str] | list | str) -> int:
        """Calculate the length of the given sentences.

            text (list[str] | list | str): The sentences.

            TypeError: Input cannot be a `dict`.
            TypeError: Input cannot be a `tuple`.

            length (int): The length of the text.
        if isinstance(text, dict):
            msg = "Input cannot be a `dict`."
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if isinstance(text, tuple):
            msg = "Input cannot be a `tuple`."
            raise TypeError(msg)

        if not hasattr(text, "__len__"):  # no len() method
            return 1
        if len(text) == 0:  # empty string or list
            return len(text)
        return sum([len(t) for t in text])  # sum of length of individual strings
    model_name_or_path: str | pathlib.Path,
    device: str | None = None,
    enable_logging: bool = True,
    log_level: int | None = logging.INFO
) -> None

Initialize HuggingfaceAutoModel object.


  • model_name_or_path (str | pathlib.Path) –

    Name or path to the pre-trained model.

  • device (str | None, default: None ) –

    Device for the model.

  • enable_logging (bool, default: True ) –

    Logging option.

  • log_level (int | None, default: logging.INFO ) –

    Logging level.

Source code in hadal/
def __init__(
    model_name_or_path: str | pathlib.Path,
    device: str | None = None,
    enable_logging: bool = True,
    log_level: int | None = logging.INFO,
) -> None:
    """Initialize HuggingfaceAutoModel object.

        model_name_or_path (str | pathlib.Path): Name or path to the pre-trained model.
        device (str | None, optional): Device for the model.
        enable_logging (bool, optional): Logging option.
        log_level (int | None, optional): Logging level.
    if enable_logging is True:
        self.logger = default_custom_logger(name=__name__, level=log_level)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.logger.disabled = True

    if device is None:
        device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu""Pytorch device: %s", device)

    self._target_device = torch.device(device)

    self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name_or_path)
    self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name_or_path)
    self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name_or_path)

    if model_name_or_path is not None and model_name_or_path != "":"Load huggingface model: %s", model_name_or_path)
    sentences: str | list[str],
    batch_size: int = 32,
    output_value: str = "pooler_output",
    convert_to: str | None = None,
    normalize_embeddings: bool = False,
    device: str | None = None
) -> list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray

Encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.


  • sentences (str | list[str]) –

    The sentences to encode.

  • batch_size (int, default: 32 ) –

    The batch size.

  • output_value (str, default: 'pooler_output' ) –

    Model output type. Can be pooler_output or last_hidden_state.

  • convert_to (str | None, default: None ) –

    Convert the embeddings to torch or numpy format. If torch, it will return a torch.Tensor. If numpy, it will return a numpy.ndarray. If None, it will return a list[torch.Tensor].

  • normalize_embeddings (bool, default: False ) –

    Normalize the embeddings.

  • device (str | None, default: None ) –

    Device for the model.


  • NotImplementedError

    If the output_value is not implemented.


  • all_embeddings ( list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray ) –

    The embeddings of the sentences.

Source code in hadal/
def encode(
    sentences: str | list[str],
    batch_size: int = 32,
    output_value: str = "pooler_output",
    convert_to: str | None = None,
    normalize_embeddings: bool = False,
    device: str | None = None,
) -> list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray:
    """Encode text using a Huggingface AutoModel.

        sentences (str | list[str]): The sentences to encode.
        batch_size (int, optional): The batch size.
        output_value (str, optional): Model output type. Can be `pooler_output` or `last_hidden_state`.
        convert_to (str | None, optional): Convert the embeddings to `torch` or `numpy` format. If `torch`, it will return a `torch.Tensor`. If `numpy`, it will return a `numpy.ndarray`. If `None`, it will return a `list[torch.Tensor]`.
        normalize_embeddings (bool, optional): Normalize the embeddings.
        device (str | None, optional): Device for the model.

        NotImplementedError: If the `output_value` is not implemented.

        all_embeddings (list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The embeddings of the sentences.
    if device is None:
        device = self._target_device"Encoding on pytorch device: %s", device)

    if isinstance(sentences, str):
        sentences = [sentences]

    all_embeddings = []
    length_sorted_idx = numpy.argsort([-self._text_length(sen) for sen in sentences])
    sentences_sorted = [sentences[idx] for idx in length_sorted_idx]

    for start_index in trange(0, len(sentences), batch_size, desc="Batches"):
        sentences_batch = sentences_sorted[start_index : start_index + batch_size]
        inputs = self.tokenizer(sentences_batch, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True)
        inputs = batch_to_device(batch=inputs, target_device=device)

        with torch.no_grad():
            outputs = self.model(**inputs)

            if output_value == "pooler_output":
                embeddings = outputs.pooler_output
            elif output_value == "last_hidden_state":
                embeddings = outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :]
                msg = f"output_value=`{output_value}` not implemented"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg)

            if normalize_embeddings is True:
                # apply L2 normalization to the embeddings
                embeddings = torch.nn.functional.normalize(embeddings, p=2, dim=1)


    all_embeddings: list[torch.Tensor] = [all_embeddings[idx] for idx in numpy.argsort(length_sorted_idx)]

    if convert_to == "torch":
        all_embeddings: torch.Tensor = torch.stack(all_embeddings)
    elif convert_to == "numpy":
        all_embeddings: numpy.ndarray = torch.stack(all_embeddings).numpy()

    return all_embeddings
_text_length(text: list[str] | list | str) -> int

Calculate the length of the given sentences.


  • text (list[str] | list | str) –

    The sentences.


  • TypeError

    Input cannot be a dict.

  • TypeError

    Input cannot be a tuple.


  • length ( int ) –

    The length of the text.

Source code in hadal/
def _text_length(self, text: list[str] | list | str) -> int:
    """Calculate the length of the given sentences.

        text (list[str] | list | str): The sentences.

        TypeError: Input cannot be a `dict`.
        TypeError: Input cannot be a `tuple`.

        length (int): The length of the text.
    if isinstance(text, dict):
        msg = "Input cannot be a `dict`."
        raise TypeError(msg)
    if isinstance(text, tuple):
        msg = "Input cannot be a `tuple`."
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if not hasattr(text, "__len__"):  # no len() method
        return 1
    if len(text) == 0:  # empty string or list
        return len(text)
    return sum([len(t) for t in text])  # sum of length of individual strings


batch_to_device(batch, target_device: torch.device)

Move a batch of tensors to the specified device.

Source code in hadal/
def batch_to_device(batch, target_device: torch.device):  # noqa: ANN201, ANN001
    """Move a batch of tensors to the specified device."""
    for key in batch:
        if isinstance(batch[key], torch.Tensor):
            batch[key] = batch[key].to(target_device)
    return batch